Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner: The Rockefeller Foundation’s Plan to Restructure the US Food System

MHB Report (October 25, 2020) The Rockefeller Foundation is harnessing the COVID 19 pandemic event to introduce a far-reaching overhaul of the US food production and distribution system. Entitled, “Reset the Table,” the project intends to shift distribution of taken-for-granted fresh foods to a medical-pharmaceutical model and to locales such as public schools, already enforcers of mental health, vaccination, and ideological protocols. Memory Hole Blog Report is the official video series of


Bolshevik Lives Matter

MHB Report (September 11, 2020) The communist revolutionary narrative playing out in the US today by way of Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and ultimately their wealthy benefactors, has taken place numerous times throughout the world over the past two centuries. In most every instance the plan for wide scale political and social destabilization uses an aggrieved minority to inflict terror and destruction against established social, economic and political majorities and ways of life. Along these lines Russia and China’s communist revolutions resulted in wide scale religious persecution of Christians. After several months of destabilization and the approaching presidential election the US may be dangerously on the brink of civil war. MHB Report is the official video series of  


Lords of Fake News and Election Fraud

MHB Report (December 8, 2020) Pioneer journalist and media critic George Seldes authored a book titled Lords of the Press over 80 years ago. With a handful of media conglomerates controlling most of what the US public sees and hears, the observation couldn’t be more important today. Where does the buck stop in major news media? The Boards of Directors of these companies are ultimately responsible for the multitude of false and misleading news and commentary masquerading as “journalism” over the past four years–a stream of calculated misinformation that has culminated in what may be one of the most corrupt presidential elections in US history.


Letter to William Styron about Vince Foster’s Death

The most famous former student of my alma mater, Davidson College, future President Woodrow Wilson, only spent one year there before transferring to Princeton.  Were it not for Secretary of State Dean Rusk and mystery writer Patricia Cornwell, one might well say that the college’s most famous students never graduated from the college, because NBA star Stephen Curry has yet to do so and, like Wilson, the subject of this article, Wilson’s fellow Virginia native William Styron spent only one year at Davidson before transferring away, in his case to Duke.* Styron had a curious special article in Newsweek magazine on April 18, 1994, that caught my eye.  It was about the mysterious death of the 1967 Davidson graduate, deputy…


Wargaming US Regime Change: The Transition Integrity Project

MHB Report (August 16, 2020) With the 2020 presidential election fast approaching Democratic Party operatives are planning for US regime change by “war gaming” what happens in the midst of a disputed election and ensuing chaos. MHB examines the powerful and influential figures behind the shadowy “Transition Integrity Project.”