Category: Uncategorized
Richard Petty’s Hometown and the U.S. Military
The famous Petty stock-car-racing family is quite representative of the very American sport, generally, in that its members come from the small Piedmont North Carolina town of Randleman. From Wikipedia we learn that, as of 2020, Randleman had a population of 4,595, but as late as 1980, only 2,156 people lived there. Doubtless, this more than doubling of the population reflects the fact that it is becoming a bedroom community for the larger cities of Greensboro and High Point to its immediate north. Just over three quarters of its residents are non-Hispanic whites. Actually, although Randleman is usually listed as Richard Petty’s hometown, he and the Petty family are from the much smaller community of Level Cross, just to the…
FULL ARTICLEJames Forrestal, Harry Truman, and Israel
Alison Weir, the former journalist who heads up an organization aptly named, If Americans Knew, chose an equally appropriate title for her very popular 2014 book, Against Our Better Judgment, The Hidden History of How the U.S. Was Used to Create Israel. The fact of the matter is that the better judgment of the United States was, unlike today, well represented by its foreign policy leadership in 1948 when Palestine was most inequitably divided into Jewish and Arab parts by the United Nations, and the Zionist leaders of the Jewish part announced the creation of the brand-new state of Israel. President Harry Truman made his decision endorsing the partition over the solid advice he received by the experts in his…
FULL ARTICLEThe Zionist Mentality and Method
We originally posted this review of a book published in 1992 on our web site on December 20, 2010. With what appears to be a new push to expel the native Palestinians by force from Gaza, based upon a terrorist attack in Israel of questionable provenance, the book and the article have taken on a new relevance. Whatever public pronouncements they might have made on the subject, the Zionist leaders, from the beginning right up to the present day, have had the intention of supplanting the non-Jewish resident population of Palestine, to be replaced with Jewish immigrants. In deliberations among themselves there has been little dissent from this goal; the differences have arisen only in how the goal should be accomplished. …
FULL ARTICLEPropaganda Press
To the tune of “Rock N Roll Train” Keyboard warriors Big time liars Selling us a fantasy Loaded up with treachery Throw it out, pitch it Believable they’re not Yes, they’re adding to our rot Shout it out, “Screw it” Strike while irons are hot We’re tired of fantasy Seeing through treachery Propaganda press (Serving us a poison brew) Propaganda press (Serving us a poison brew) Propaganda press (Serving us a poison brew) Propaganda press (Serving us a poison brew) One hard pounded drum La créme de la scum No shame in their perfidy Stooges for the Agency Shake ‘em, drop ‘em Believable they’re not We ought to make it for them hot See the light, tune ‘em out Come…
FULL ARTICLEDid Thomas Merton Have a Love Child?
The late writer and peace activist, Jim Forest, was a good friend and regular correspondent with the notable Catholic spiritual and political leader, the Trappist monk Thomas Merton. Merton, in fact, dedicated his 1968 book, Faith and Violence, to the Jesuit priest and anti-Vietnam War activist, Phil Berrigan, and to his fellow activist, Forest. Forest’s 2008 book, Living with Wisdom: A Life of Thomas Merton, is, for the most part, an excellent introduction to the life and works of Merton. It is a revised and expanded version of the book with the same title published in 1991, which was itself an expansion upon the much smaller Thomas Merton: A Pictorial Biography published in 1979. The 2008 incarnation continues to be…
FULL ARTICLEBlack Like Whom? Mystery Man, John Howard Griffin
In our 2018 book, The Martyrdom of Thomas Merton: An Investigation, we identified John Howard Griffin as one of four key people responsible for cementing in the public mind the belief that the great Catholic monk and public intellectual, Thomas Merton, had died from accidental electrocution. The other three were Merton’s abbot at the Our Lady of Gethsemani Abbey, Flavian Burns, Merton’s secretary there, Brother Patrick Hart, and Merton’s authorized biographer, Michael Mott. For the recently published Thomas Merton’s Betrayers: The Case against Abbot James Fox and Author John Howard Griffin, we have delved more deeply into Griffin’s background. The Texas-born journalist and author John Howard Griffin, is known almost exclusively for his 1961 book, Black Like Me. It is…
FULL ARTICLEAmerican Press Beating Familiar War Drums
We didn’t have to look far to find the opening quote for this article. It was right there on my AOL News. Check it out: They are a distinct minority in their own party and, for that matter, their country: Republican holdouts amid an ever-widening consensus that Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine poses a mortal threat to American interests. A far right wing of the Republican Party tightly bound to former President Donald Trump is fighting to push the GOP toward the “America First” isolationism that underpinned his 2016 presidential bid. For the first time since Trump’s rise, his party is pushing back. These are the first three paragraphs for a pro-war-participation propaganda piece that AOL has picked up from…
FULL ARTICLEFinding David: An American Wife Betrayed by Her Government
Joseph Stalin supposedly once said, “The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic.” A great deal has been written about the shameless and utterly unforgivable abandonment of American POWs in the wake of the Vietnam War—although, thanks to the American news media, few people are aware of it—but, up to now, no writing that we are aware of quite captures the tragedy and, yes, the outrage of this cold and heartless policy so much as Carol Hrdlicka’s recent book, Finding David: An American Wife Betrayed by Her Government. The book is an autobiography, taking us to Carol’s early years growing up in the Mountain West, being swept off her feet as a 16…
FULL ARTICLEGoogle, Tool of the Deep State
Was Vince Foster’s Murder over Pedophilia? The work on this article began when I recently stumbled across a quite well-made video on YouTube by an outfit called Traditionalist Tolkienist. It had been up since February of 2020, and if you can believe YouTube’s viewer count, very few people had watched it up to that point. I began to wonder how the excellent video had remained so obscure for more than a year, so, as a first step, I did a search using the default search engine for my Mac computer, which happens to be Google, for the video’s title, “Vince Foster: The Deep State’s Worst Murder Cover-up.” At this point, you’ll have to take my word for it, but…
FULL ARTICLEKen Starr’s Contempt for Your Intelligence
In memoriam: Patrick J. Knowlton, 12/19/1954 – 4/21/2021 A great American Imagine if some two decades later one of the lawyers who was primarily responsible for the Warren Commission Report were to write a book accentuating the report’s virtues and attacking its many critics. Actually, you don’t have to imagine it, because just such a book was written by David Belin, whose articles used to show up with some regularity in the mainstream media doing just that. Now, a very similar book has come out that does the same thing with regard to the death of Bill Clinton’s Deputy White House Counsel, Vincent W. Foster, Jr. One of its revelations is that its author is a former colleague and apparent…
FULL ARTICLEJefferson Davis, in His Own Words
Unlike his adversary in what is inaccurately called the American Civil War and is imprecisely called the War between the States, Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederacy during the North’s war to end Southern secession, was not a lawyer. Born in Kentucky like Abraham Lincoln, he was a West Point graduate and career army officer who got into politics in Mississippi, where his family had moved when he was young. There’s quite a bit of irony here. First, his military background seemed not to have helped him very much as a war leader, especially in many of his personnel decisions; his counterpart, Lincoln, seemed to be a good deal better at it, in spite of the generally lower quality…
FULL ARTICLECIA Election Meddling
In recent history, the only American president who has garnered anything resembling the bad press that Donald Trump consistently received was Jimmy Carter in the latter stages of his presidency. Probably not coincidentally, Carter and Trump were both ushered out of the Oval Office after one term. In the 24 years since George H.W. Bush was top dog for one term, we had three presidents in Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama who were smiled upon by the press. Their gentle press treatment was exemplified by the conduct of their press conferences. Clinton was the best actor of the three, making it appear that he had chosen the reporter he was calling on spontaneously. Bush wasn’t nearly as good…
FULL ARTICLEVince Foster, Race, and Davidson College Snowflakes
It seemed like a good idea. President Bill Clinton’s deputy White House Counsel, Vincent W. Foster, Jr., was a member of Davidson College’s graduating class of 1967. He is listed among the college’s notable alumni on its Wikipedia page. He died mysteriously, as you may recall, six months to the day after Clinton’s presidential inauguration, his body having been discovered lying behind a berm deep in a Civil War relic, Fort Marcy Park, off the George Washington Parkway across the Potomac River from the capital in Virginia. My article, “Open Letter to Davidson College President Carol Quillen on Corruption” deals primarily with that case. One would think that the article might be of interest to my fellow graduates of the…
FULL ARTICLEKavanaugh Stabbed Supporters, Nation in the Back over Vote
Looking back now at the great Presidential election theft of 2020, it becomes ever clearer that the best chance to bring it to a halt and reverse course was represented by the lawsuit of the state of Texas challenging the election result in the key swing states of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin (summarized in the American Thinker here). Texas was joined by 126 members of the U.S. Congress and 17 state attorneys general in an amicus brief. The suit and the brief argue, I believe very persuasively, that authority granted by the Constitution to the state legislatures in choosing presidential electors was usurped by the executive branch in each of those states, creating novel voting systems that virtually invited…
Marching to the beat of the mainstream media’s drum, Joe Biden and Democratic presidential running mate, Kamala Harris, have called on the nation’s governors to order everyone in the United States to wear a mask while outdoors for the next three months “at a minimum.” It’s bad enough that such an order would violate basic liberty, but there is no good evidence that the wearing of such masks does the first thing to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. “Infectious viral respiratory diseases primarily spread via very fine aerosol particles that are in suspension in the air. Any mask that allows you to breathe therefore allows for transmission of aerosolized viruses.” A number of studies have shown that even in the…
FULL ARTICLEAbe Lincoln, Anti-Catholic?
Hugh Turley and I begin Chapter 19, “Pope Francis and Thomas Merton,” of our 2018 book, The Martyrdom of Thomas Merton: An Investigation, this way: On September 24, 2015, Pope Francis became the first pope to address a joint session of the U.S. Congress. He singled out four Americans to mention as model citizens, Abraham Lincoln, Dorothy Day, Martin Luther King, and Thomas Merton. Three of them were advocates for peace. Lincoln, by contrast, embarked upon a war of choice to bring the residents of seceding states back into the Union, a war that would become the nation’s deadliest. Lincoln’s contemporary, Pope Pius IX, hardly shared Pope Francis’ admiration for the unreligious president. Although the Vatican officially favored the Union…
FULL ARTICLEThe Other British Forrestal?
Chapter Six of The Assassination of James Forrestal is entitled, “Britain’s Forrestal.” The title character is Ernest Bevin, who was Foreign Secretary in the British Labour government from 1945 to 1951. Bevin, like Forrestal, won the enmity of the Zionists by resisting their ambitions in Palestine. Zionist terrorists attempted to assassinate him with letter bombs in 1946 when Britain still held the Mandate for Palestine, governing control over the region that it had been granted by the League of Nations in 1920. Since Bevin was the leading opponent of the Zionists in the British government at the time, and since they attempted to kill him, the parallels between him and Forrestal would appear to be obvious. However, there are two…
FULL ARTICLEThe Carolinas, Jews, and China
Sidney Rittenberg died on August 24 of this year, ten days after his 98th birthday. He was probably the most famous American collaborator with the Chinese Communist regime of Mao Zedong (We are not counting Chinese government official, Israel Epstein, as American, although he had his book, The Unfinished Revolution in China, published during the crucial five years in which he lived in the United States). Like Epstein, Rittenberg got long obituaries in The New York Times and The Washington Post. They might not have been as glowing as Epstein’s, but they were far from being as negative as they might have been for this long-term leading turncoat and propagandist for the murderous Mao regime. Although the Times seemed to treat him with some approval by headlining…
FULL ARTICLEA Letter to Professor Paul Craig Roberts
(I wrote this email to Professor Paul Craig Roberts on 7/17/2019 and received no reply. Below is the exact text of the letter except for a small amount of line editing. Anybody who feels broadly the same way I do about this issue is more than welcome to mirror this letter on their website.) Professor Roberts: I have followed your work for close to a decade and I feel that I have learned a lot from you over the years. However, over the last few years or so, I feel that your writing has become increasingly tendentious, and principally for that reason, I do not follow it as closely as I used to. A few days ago, I was looking…