Google, Tool of the Deep State

Was Vince Foster’s Murder over Pedophilia?   The work on this article began when I recently stumbled across a quite well-made video on YouTube by an outfit called Traditionalist Tolkienist.  It had been up since February of 2020, and if you can believe YouTube’s viewer count, very few people had watched it up to that point.  I began to wonder how the excellent video had remained so obscure for more than a year, so, as a first step, I did a search using the default search engine for my Mac computer, which happens to be Google, for the video’s title, “Vince Foster: The Deep State’s Worst Murder Cover-up.” At this point, you’ll have to take my word for it, but…


Ken Starr’s Contempt for Your Intelligence

In memoriam: Patrick J. Knowlton, 12/19/1954 – 4/21/2021 A great American Imagine if some two decades later one of the lawyers who was primarily responsible for the Warren Commission Report were to write a book accentuating the report’s virtues and attacking its many critics.  Actually, you don’t have to imagine it, because just such a book was written by David Belin, whose articles used to show up with some regularity in the mainstream media doing just that.  Now, a very similar book has come out that does the same thing with regard to the death of Bill Clinton’s Deputy White House Counsel, Vincent W. Foster, Jr.  One of its revelations is that its author is a former colleague and apparent…


Bought Journalists: The Case of Udo Ulfkotte

MHB Report German author and newspaper editor Udo Ulfkotte has been among the few prestigious mainstream journalists to tell the public that it’s being lied to by a large majority journalists and news organizations, most of which manipulate readerships for bribes and professional one-upmanship. Ulfkotte’s mea culpa was titled Bought Journalists, a German best-seller translated into nine languages, the English translation of which had to overcome unusual hurdles before finally coming to fruition.


JFK, Mass Media, and the Origins of ‘Conspiracy Theory’

By James F. Tracy (Originally posted at MemoryHoleBlog on November 22, 2018) Prefatory Note on Censorship in Academe This study was written in 2013-14 as part of my academic research as Associate Professor of Media Studies at Florida Atlantic University. I have had numerous papers addressing news coverage of historical events published in academic journals over the past two decades. However, this was the first attempt to offer a scholarly treatment of a research object related to a conspiracy–how the news media “framed” New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s JFK assassination inquiry. When I presented the paper at the Association For Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Montreal Conference in 2014 the panel respondent congratulated me on what he deemed…


YouTube’s Complete Corruption Revealed

In July of last year, we published an article entitled, “YouTube Censorship Really Hits Home.” In that article, we told of our discovery that some of our song parodies had been taken down from YouTube. I had collaborated first with the Cheverly Brothers to set four political parodies of Everly Brothers’ songs to music and then with Gary King, the video maker for Jim Fetzer, to make them into videos. Those videos turned out to be collateral damage in the taking down of Fetzer’s video channel by YouTube. Something good came out of the experience, though. Fetzer, as described in the article, had turned to the independent video platform, 153News, to carry his video channel. King had used his own…


The Charlottesville Operation

(Editorial note: This in-depth article, which first appeared nearly a year ago on Dave Martin’s site is timely once again, since the media has been running a lot of pieces commemorating the first anniversary of this bogus event.  Also, listen to Dave’s interview from Kevin Barrett’s radio show.) It was May of 1970 and my wife and I, both graduate students at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, had joined hundreds of other people, most of whom were students, in an enormous march around Chapel Hill in protest of the shooting of demonstrators at Kent State University and incursion into Cambodia, expanding the Vietnam War. As we were marching toward Franklin Street, the main drag in the town,…