Mask of Virtue

Over the course of many years George Soros has used philanthropy as a guise under which his panoply of front groups to use “social justice activism” against entire countries to enact “soft coup” regime change. Such tactics of late have been tied to the wave of rioting, violence and vandalism that has swept the US in the lead-up to the 2020 US presidential election. “O Mary … Defend [us] with your power against all enemies, and especially against those who hide their malice behind the mask of virtue.”-St. Maria Faustina Kowalska Memory Hole Blog Report is the official video series of


Kavanaugh Stabbed Supporters, Nation in the Back over Vote

Looking back now at the great Presidential election theft of 2020, it becomes ever clearer that the best chance to bring it to a halt and reverse course was represented by the lawsuit of the state of Texas challenging the election result in the key swing states of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin (summarized in the American Thinker here).  Texas was joined by 126 members of the U.S. Congress and 17 state attorneys general in an amicus brief.  The suit and the brief argue, I believe very persuasively, that authority granted by the Constitution to the state legislatures in choosing presidential electors was usurped by the executive branch in each of those states, creating novel voting systems that virtually invited…


Manufactured Covid Lockdowns? The Covid Tracking Project

MHB Report States across America are now declaring severe lockdowns in response to a regular stream of disturbing Covid statistics. Yet who’s behind then number-crunching? The terrifying figures are generated by the Covid Tracking Project, an obscure entity operated by a group of biotech entrepreneurs and young statistics novices, and housed at Apple Computer heiress Laurene Powell Jobs’ far-left Atlantic magazine.


Nashville Bombing: Ten Questions

MHB Report (December 29, 2020) The December 25, 2020 bombing in Nashville Tennessee and its ongoing investigation prompts many questions on what exactly took place before, during and after the violently destructive event. Tellingly, such questions are deemed unworthy of consideration. For example, what are the potential designs behind this terrifying incident? In what ways may such ‘domestic terrorism’ be used by government and corporate media to intimidate the public and serve hidden political agendas? The public cannot anticipate that conventional news media will investigate and expose such events. Even so, they provide pieces to a complex puzzle that citizen analysts are left to make sense of.  


Bolshevik Lives Matter

MHB Report (September 11, 2020) The communist revolutionary narrative playing out in the US today by way of Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and ultimately their wealthy benefactors, has taken place numerous times throughout the world over the past two centuries. In most every instance the plan for wide scale political and social destabilization uses an aggrieved minority to inflict terror and destruction against established social, economic and political majorities and ways of life. Along these lines Russia and China’s communist revolutions resulted in wide scale religious persecution of Christians. After several months of destabilization and the approaching presidential election the US may be dangerously on the brink of civil war. MHB Report is the official video series of  


Lords of Fake News and Election Fraud

MHB Report (December 8, 2020) Pioneer journalist and media critic George Seldes authored a book titled Lords of the Press over 80 years ago. With a handful of media conglomerates controlling most of what the US public sees and hears, the observation couldn’t be more important today. Where does the buck stop in major news media? The Boards of Directors of these companies are ultimately responsible for the multitude of false and misleading news and commentary masquerading as “journalism” over the past four years–a stream of calculated misinformation that has culminated in what may be one of the most corrupt presidential elections in US history.


Letter to William Styron about Vince Foster’s Death

The most famous former student of my alma mater, Davidson College, future President Woodrow Wilson, only spent one year there before transferring to Princeton.  Were it not for Secretary of State Dean Rusk and mystery writer Patricia Cornwell, one might well say that the college’s most famous students never graduated from the college, because NBA star Stephen Curry has yet to do so and, like Wilson, the subject of this article, Wilson’s fellow Virginia native William Styron spent only one year at Davidson before transferring away, in his case to Duke.* Styron had a curious special article in Newsweek magazine on April 18, 1994, that caught my eye.  It was about the mysterious death of the 1967 Davidson graduate, deputy…


When Bill Kristol Heard the Vince Foster Witness Story

Guest article by Hugh Turley The headquarters of the conservative Heritage Foundation is located on the edge of Capitol Hill a block east of Union Station. I have attended quite a few functions there in their main auditorium to hear interesting speakers. They serve refreshments in a little anteroom where one can socialize with other attendees, often including the guest speaker. In this instance in the first week of March 1996, the speaker was the influential editor of the conservative Weekly Standard, William Kristol. I don’t recall his topic. I had been working with Patrick Knowlton, the key witness in the matter of the July 20, 1993, mysterious death of Vincent Foster, the deputy White House counsel in president Bill…


The Balfour Declaration’s Bitter Fruit

Most people these days think of the state of Israel as a sort of payback to the Jewish people for the suffering visited upon them by Adolf Hitler and the awful Nazis during World War II; never mind that the people of Palestine had nothing to do with that. Hardly anyone realizes that the die had already been cast in 1937 for the sort of partition of Palestine that the United Nations performed in 1948, giving rise to today’s state of Israel. That was the year that Britain’s Peel Commission came up with its plan to resolve the problem of the growing turbulence resulting from its own policy of permitting ever growing numbers of Jewish Europeans to settle in the region.…


JFK, Mass Media, and the Origins of ‘Conspiracy Theory’

By James F. Tracy (Originally posted at MemoryHoleBlog on November 22, 2018) Prefatory Note on Censorship in Academe This study was written in 2013-14 as part of my academic research as Associate Professor of Media Studies at Florida Atlantic University. I have had numerous papers addressing news coverage of historical events published in academic journals over the past two decades. However, this was the first attempt to offer a scholarly treatment of a research object related to a conspiracy–how the news media “framed” New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s JFK assassination inquiry. When I presented the paper at the Association For Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Montreal Conference in 2014 the panel respondent congratulated me on what he deemed…


YouTube’s Complete Corruption Revealed

In July of last year, we published an article entitled, “YouTube Censorship Really Hits Home.” In that article, we told of our discovery that some of our song parodies had been taken down from YouTube. I had collaborated first with the Cheverly Brothers to set four political parodies of Everly Brothers’ songs to music and then with Gary King, the video maker for Jim Fetzer, to make them into videos. Those videos turned out to be collateral damage in the taking down of Fetzer’s video channel by YouTube. Something good came out of the experience, though. Fetzer, as described in the article, had turned to the independent video platform, 153News, to carry his video channel. King had used his own…


The Charlottesville Operation

(Editorial note: This in-depth article, which first appeared nearly a year ago on Dave Martin’s site is timely once again, since the media has been running a lot of pieces commemorating the first anniversary of this bogus event.  Also, listen to Dave’s interview from Kevin Barrett’s radio show.) It was May of 1970 and my wife and I, both graduate students at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, had joined hundreds of other people, most of whom were students, in an enormous march around Chapel Hill in protest of the shooting of demonstrators at Kent State University and incursion into Cambodia, expanding the Vietnam War. As we were marching toward Franklin Street, the main drag in the town,…