Amazon Censorship

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I posted this poem on my web site when the Internet was still in its infancy.

Of Swords and Pens

The pen may be stronger than the sword,
But pens, like guns, can be bought.
And battles of words, like battles with guns,
Can be unfairly fought.

Those who rule know all too well
The power of the word,
And so they ration carefully
The ones that can be heard.

In our land there’s little chance
That virtue will prevail
When “truth” is a consumer good
And words are all for sale.

That was on April 5, 1998, and the word battlefield has changed quite a bit since then.  Back then, control of the airwaves, newspapers, magazines, publishing companies, and the entertainment industry was still almost sufficient to keep a lid on things.  With access to the Internet now almost universal, the “Controlling Criminal Elite” have had to come up with new ways to stifle the spread of information.

New revelations are coming out almost daily of the rather heavy-handed way they have accomplished the task on Twitter.  I have also written previously over such control by the Internet companies in “Google, Tool of the Deep State,” “YouTube Censorship Really Hits Home,” “YouTube’s Complete Corruption Revealed,” “YouTube ‘Crucifies’ Covid-19 ‘Savior’,” “YouTube: Truth about Jewish Power is ‘Hate Speech’,” “An ‘Adult Content’ YouTube Video,” and “Video on 9/11 Removed As ‘Hate Speech’”.  I’ve even done a song parody with links called “YouTube Censorship.”

Up to now, though, we have not delved into this article’s subject, Amazon censorship.  We’re not talking about books you can’t buy from that dominant book retailer that now accounts for 83 percent of all books sold in the United States, books  like, say, Robert Anderson’s 2018 When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Movement or books by Holocaust skeptics like Arthur Butz, Germar Rudolf, or Moon Rock Books, or all the books of Catholic writer E. Michael Jones, because Amazon has banned them.

There’s another way that important information has been leaking out to the public, and it looks like the near-monopoly new-book seller is taking steps to deal with it.  We’re talking about the customers’ reviews of the books.  I am reminded that, as much as I thought I knew about 20th century U.S. political history, it was only from reading a customer’s review of a related book—which I no longer remember—that I learned of the attempted assassination of President Harry Truman in 1947 by the Zionist Stern Gang through the sending of letter bombs to the White House.  That discovery gave rise to my 2012 article, “’Jews’ Tried to Kill Truman in 1947.”  As I say in the article, prior to the publication of that article, there was no mention at all on Wikipedia of the episode, not on the page concerning assassination attempts on U.S. presidents or on President Truman, not even on the page concerning letter bombs.  None of Truman’s biographers other than his daughter, Margaret, make any mention of it, and it’s certainly not in any of our history textbooks.  My guess is that not even one in a hundred American college history majors have heard of it to this day despite my best effort to spread the word.

Watching the big book retailer’s more recent performance, I’m wondering if today’s Amazon would even allow a review with such forbidden information in it to go up, or if they would, they would make it very hard to find.  On that last point, check out the customers’ reviews of Christopher Ruddy’s 1997 book, The Strange Death of Vincent Foster.  You’ll see that as of this date the book has had 101 ratings with an average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars.  If you click on the ratings, the customers’ reviews come up, with the “top ratings” listed first.  If you go further and click on “See all reviews” at the bottom of the page, you’ll see the “Top positive review” at the top on the left and “Top negative review” on the right.  Below that are all the others listed, presumably, in order of their popularity with the other readers and that one would presume would be in accord with how many people “found it helpful.”  We see that 27 readers found the “top positive review” helpful, one of many that gave it five stars.  The “top negative review” was not all that negative, because the reviewer still gave it three stars, and 23 readers found it helpful.  Altogether, the reviews of 58 readers are published by Amazon.  There is one review among them that 47 readers found to be helpful, and it’s easy to see why, because it is full of very useful information.  No other review even comes close in popularity.  But one has to scroll through many screens on the computer or the cell phone before it comes up, because it’s the 56th review listed.

What do you know?  It’s my 3-star review of the book, posted in 2007.  The folks at Amazon are clearly afraid that the review is entirely too educational for the tender sensibilities of the reading public, so they’ve done their best to hide it. *

Now let’s turn our attention to Phillip F. Nelson’s 2017 Remember the Liberty!: Almost Sunk by Treason on the High Seas and run through the same exercise.  Its reception was very similar to that of Christopher Ruddy’s book, and the “top positive review” certainly seems worthy of its position, because it’s quite powerful and they tell us that 63 people found it helpful.  But it looks like Amazon has pulled the same stunt.  Altogether, there are 37 reviews.  To my mind, the best and most informative one of the lot is the 36th one listed, by the Australian, Greg Maybury, called “Give us Liberty or Give us Death.” Amazon has very effectively hidden it away.**

But that’s not the worst of it.  I had received my own review copy of the book from Nelson and duly composed my own review for Amazon.  To give the review additional cachet, I also ordered a copy of the book from Amazon so that the review would carry the label, “Verified Purchase,” at the top.  As it turned out, no such label ever appeared, because Amazon didn’t put the review up, even when I sent it a second time.

You can go here to see what Amazon doesn’t want you to know.  I could be wrong, but I think my conclusion to the review might have been the straw that broke the camel’s back:

Where Does Your Allegiance Lie?

Although half a century has now passed, hardly any event, when looked at in the clear light of day, permits us to come to grips more completely with the political reality of the United States today than does the assault on the USS Liberty.  We live in an era in which members of the United States military have never been more venerated.  From sports events to airport encounters, we’re expected to honor them at every turn.  “Support the troops” is seemingly an admonition that no one can disagree with.

All of the military reverence comes to a screeching halt, though, when it comes to the surviving crewmen of the USS Liberty.  They can only be brushed aside, with their demands for a true accounting for what was done to them by our great “ally” with the connivance of their own leaders.  For our politicians to do otherwise and to get to the bottom of what happened there in the Eastern Mediterranean on June 8, 1967, would put them on a collision course with the real ruling power in the country.  When it comes down to the choice of supporting our troops or supporting the ethnic-supremacist state of Israel, whose fundamental nature was revealed as much by the Liberty attack as it was by the Lavon Affair, and for whom we regularly pour out our fortune, our credibility, and our blood, Israel it has to be.

Amazon Censors Again

Now it’s happened again, which is the occasion for my writing this article.  Recently, I received a very nice email from a man in Canada who had read the first edition of my book, The Assassination of James ForrestalI thanked him and suggested that he could do me a favor while striking his own blow for the cause of truth and justice by writing an Amazon review.  He promptly did so, but it wouldn’t go up.  He even created a new Amazon account and tried again, but it still wouldn’t go up.  Since, as with my review of Remember the Liberty, it looks like you’re never going to be able to read it on Amazon, I am forced to put it up here:

Dave Martin’s Book

The Assassination of James Forrestal is a masterful work of research done in the name of truth, justice, and the American way.  As Western Civilization’s center of power, Washington has had its leadership of the West and the world usurped by a small nation in the Middle East.

America’s first Secretary of Defense, James Forrestal, was forward-thinking enough to realize that his country’s championship of a new nation of Israel would be a coming tinderbox of problems.  Forrestal reasoned that the displacement of the Palestinian people was antithetical to what America stood for. Especially, the giving of this land to a people effectively from European origins would be tantamount to nullifying the history of Palestine to placate a Jewish people who say that those lands were theirs from millennia ago.

This comprehension of the dynamics of the creation of modern Israel made for a target on Forrestal that could only be put there by Zionists and Communists.

Henry Forrestal, James’s older brother, was to take James home from the hospital on the very day of his death.  And, if James Forrestal was suicidal or paranoid as the popular press and prominent individuals, private and public, maintained, how could his treatment best be administered when his hospital room was on the 16th floor at the Bethesda Naval Hospital, given his supposed suicidal state of mind. The older brother remained unconvinced his younger brother committed suicide, voicing his belief that the true culprits were “the Communists” or “the Jews,” though, perhaps interchangeably Zionists.

Lending credence to the speciousness of so-called evidence that James Forrestal was suicidal is the Willcutts Report of 1949 in which no determination was made that he was prone to commit suicide or that he suffered from paranoia. Four doctors treated Forrestal and only the chief one concluded, wholly through supposition or outside influences, that his patient was so inclined.

The fact that the above report from the medical investigation on Forrestal’s death was released some 55 years afterward can only lead one to assume that it left unsaid what true forensics would’ve revealed, namely James Forrestal did not die from suicide. For the record, broken glass, apparently from an ashtray, was found on Forrestal’s rolled-back bedding and bedside carpet, yet no mention was made in the inquiry as with other unquestioned aspects. Most stunningly, the patient’s hospital room was stripped of all indications that James Forrestal was ever resident there! Plus, key witnesses were either ignored or misidentified and thus unable to add vital information in the judgement process of what truly transpired in James Forrestal’s last moments.

Lyndon Baines Johnson, a scheming proponent of a new Israel, very probably visited Forrestal, there were others, though no official visitor logbook of such personages or others was kept. Significantly, James Forrestal was not desirous of such a meeting, and yet by all accounts it happened. There is speculation that President Truman also was there to see James Forrestal. Even Bernard Baruch (very nearly the most powerful man in America who was not in the government – the Jewish financier, elder statesman and adviser to presidents), an associate that Forrestal maintained good relations with thought James should tone down his prominent stance on the United Nations policy on Palestine.  All of these individuals were power players of one degree or another, and as such had some interplay with the life and fortunes of James Forrestal. Suspicions abound, and the author makes possible connections more probable than improbable.

Forrestal’s confidant, Monsignor Maurice Sheehy, complained of his being blocked from visitation rights for the whole period of his friend’s incarceration at the hospital.  Government approved visitors only as his brother Henry mainly would surmise.  President Truman, Admiral Willcutts(chairman of the medical committee investigating the death of Forrestal), Dr. Raines (chief doctor caring for Forrestal), Henry Forrestal and others saw James to be “essentially okay” in those last days, which in effect disproved any notion that he could be suicidal.

And people such as Forrestal’s chauffeur, a Navy man, who was moved away from the spotlight such that any disavowal that Forrestal had obvious mental deficits that could contradict the general belief he was suicidal would not be investigated. Dissenting voices were not permitted.

The Soviet Union and its pursuit of world dominance deeply concerned Forrestal and greatly motivated his geopolitical understanding of what an overemphasis on the creation of a new Israel might do to American leadership and interests.  Zionist terrorists demanding a new Israel already were operating outside of the Middle East and threatening and conniving against British (Foreign Minister Bevin) and American officials (President Truman) they felt in their way, besides committing massacres against Palestinians in their own lands. Forrestal knew he had a fearsome and injudicious enemy in such types, and thus was rightfully aware of such a terror!

Dave Martin’s book has some repetition which mainly is the recounting of witness testimonies to persuade such types as establishment historians, authors, journalists, reporters and the like that facts once exhibited are facts alone in their most basic and true form, despite what the vested interests have hidden or obscured over time.

The long-hidden Willcutts Report has given the lie to the story that Forrestal committed suicide.  Case closed.  For too many years the suicide story simply stood because so much evidence was unexplored and unallowed to see the light of day.

There’s more than a very good chance that today’s whole wide world would not have fallen so far had that “shining city upon a hill” as represented by James Forrestal not been extinguished and compromised by an enemy within, an enemy of humanity that would give us a one world government.

Rest in peace, James Forrestal; though, it is so very late in the day, your life and its inglorious end makes more real the exposure of the dark forces upending all that is good.   The battle is joined, the “good fight” is being fought…

It’s old-fashioned to think in terms of “Good versus Evil.”  James Forrestal chose “Good,” while “Evil” was chosen by our one adversary.

Pete Bildstein

You might want to compare it to a sampling of the reviews that did go up on the site to try to figure out what was so forbidden about this one.  As of this date, Amazon tells us that the book has had 247 ratings, with 63 reviews.  We now know for a fact that at least 64 people have reviewed it for Amazon.  Now we must wonder how many more might have been deemed too informative for Amazon’s readers, and how many such overly educational would-be Amazon reviews there have been of other books.

*Curiously, in an article I posted in October of 2019, I report that as of that date my review had received 49, not 47 “helpfuls” from readers.  It’s a good deal more likely that by now that number would have increased rather than decreased, and I’m pretty sure that the number I reported more than three years ago was accurate.

**Now I see that, consistent with the theme of this article, Amazon has taken Maybury’s great review down.

David Martin

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